Are you feeling frustrated with your mobile apps platform?
Let us help you fix it! Whether you need support with any of the following:

Bug Identification and Diagnosis

Comprehensive bug identification and analysis to pinpoint issues within iOS and Android mobile applications.

Bug Fixing and Patch Installation

Applying bug fixes and patches to resolve software bugs, security vulnerabilities, and issues in the mobile app's code.

Cross-Platform Compatibility Testing

Ensuring that the mobile app functions correctly on various iOS and Android devices, screen sizes, and OS versions.

API Issues Resolution

Addressing issues related to APIs, including third-party API integration, authentication, and data exchange.

Performance Optimization

Improving the mobile app's performance by optimizing code, reducing latency, and enhancing responsiveness.

UI/UX Improvements

Enhancing the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) through design updates, layout adjustments, and usability enhancements.

Compatibility with New OS Versions

Updating the mobile app to ensure compatibility with the latest iOS and Android operating system versions.

Security Audits and Fixes

Conducting security audits to identify vulnerabilities and implementing fixes to protect against security threats and data breaches.

Integration with Native Features

Integrating mobile app features with native capabilities such as GPS, camera, push notifications, and biometrics (fingerprint/face recognition).

Backend Integration

Integrating mobile apps with backend systems, databases, and web services to ensure seamless data synchronization.

Payment Gateway Integration

Integrating and configuring payment gateways for in-app purchases and e-commerce functionality.

Localization and Internationalization

Adapting the app for multiple languages and regions, ensuring cultural and language-specific requirements are met.

Automated Testing

Implementing automated testing frameworks and scripts to identify and fix issues in a timely manner.

App Store Compliance

Ensuring the mobile app complies with the guidelines and requirements of the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

User Feedback Analysis

Analyzing user feedback and reviews to identify common issues and prioritize bug fixes and improvements.

Crash Analysis and Reporting

Monitoring and analyzing crash reports to identify and resolve app crashes and stability issues.

App Updates and Maintenance

Providing ongoing support and updates to keep the mobile app current and functioning smoothly.

Documentation and Knowledge Transfer

Documenting best practices, codebase, and providing knowledge transfer to the client's development team, if necessary.

Platform-Specific Expertise

Having expertise in both iOS (Swift/Objective-C) and Android (Java/Kotlin) development to address platform-specific issues.

Our monthly plans for Mobile offer flexibility to fit your specific needs and requirements.

IOS Maintenance and Support.

Our Professional package offers unlimited support to help you maintain, fix, and enhance your existing IOS Mobile App.

From Ā£680/month + vat

Onboarding Cost: One-Time Payment of Ā£320 + vatĀ  to
Get You Started!

Services Included

  • We are a support and maintenance company offering unlimited support and bug fixes. Simply get in contact with us, report your problem, and let our experienced developers resolve it efficiently and effectively.

  • Experience the assurance of a 3-hour response time for your Magento eCommerce website, ensuring quick and efficient resolution of any technical concerns.

  • Whether it's a critical error on your site, a downed network, or an extensions problem, we offer urgent help and priority support for you and your Magento store.

  • One of the biggest failures in a mobile app is when it frequently crashes or becomes unstable. Users expect apps to run smoothly without frequent interruptions. MGC help identify the root causes of crashes, debug issues, and optimise the app's performance to prevent such failures.

  • Slow-loading screens, laggy animations, or unresponsive user interfaces can frustrate users and lead to app abandonment. MGC can analyse the app's performance, identify bottlenecks, optimises code, and improve network requests to enhance responsiveness.

  • Security vulnerabilities Mobile apps often handle sensitive user data, and security breaches or vulnerabilities can have severe consequences. MGC can conduct regular security audits, implement encryption, secure data storage, and patch any identified vulnerabilities to protect user data and maintain the app's integrity.

  • Mobile devices come in various sizes, operating systems, and hardware configurations. Ensuring your app works flawlessly across different devices and OS versions is crucial. MGC can test compatibility, address device-specific issues, and provide a consistent user experience.

  • Apps that lack regular updates or fail to introduce new features can become stale and uninteresting to users. MGC can work closely with the app's stakeholders to plan and implement updates, add new functionalities, and introduce enhancements to keep the app relevant and engaging.

  • Mobile apps often rely on external services, APIs, or third-party libraries. Integration issues can arise due to changes in those dependencies or updates to underlying platforms. MGC can ensure smooth integration by monitoring and adapting to changes, updating APIs, and resolving compatibility issues.

  • When an app encounters errors, it's essential to provide clear error messages and guidance to users. Poor error handling can frustrate users and result in a negative experience. MGC can improve error handling, provide meaningful error messages, and implement mechanisms for users to give feedback on issues they encounter.

  • Mobile apps that consume excessive battery power can lead to frustration among users. YMGC can optimise resource usage, minimise background activity, and implement power-saving techniques to reduce battery drain and improve overall battery efficiency.

  • Mobile apps heavily rely on network connectivity to fetch data or communicate with servers. Issues like slow loading times, frequent network errors, or inconsistent offline behavior can hinder the app's functionality. MGC can diagnose network-related problems, optimise network requests, handle poor or intermittent connections gracefully, and improve offline capabilities.

  • Push notifications are an essential enPush notifications are an essential engagement tool for mobile apps. If notifications fail to be delivered, arrive late, or display incorrect information, it can impact user engagement and communication. MGC can ensure the proper implementation and functioning of push notifications, including handling delivery failures, managing opt-in/opt-out preferences, and resolving any issues related to their presentation or content.y issues related to their presentation or content.

  • If an app relies on synchronisation between multiple devices or platforms, data inconsistencies or synchronisation failures can occur. MGC can address issues related to data synchronisation, resolve conflicts, and ensure accurate and reliable data exchange between different endpoints.

  • App maintenance involves tracking and analysing user behavior, app usage patterns, and performance metrics. Without proper analytics and monitoring tools in place, it becomes challenging to identify and address issues effectively. MGC can implement analytics frameworks, set up monitoring systems, and leverage data insights to proactively detect and resolve problems, as well as make informed decisions for app improvements.

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Android Maintenance and Support.

Our Professional package offers unlimited support to help you maintain, fix, and enhance your existing Android Mobile App.

From Ā£480/month + vat

Onboarding Cost: One-Time Payment of Ā£320 + vatĀ  to
Get You Started!

Services Included

  • We are a support and maintenance company offering unlimited support and bug fixes. Simply get in contact with us, report your problem, and let our experienced developers resolve it efficiently and effectively.

  • Experience the assurance of a 3-hour response time for your Magento eCommerce website, ensuring quick and efficient resolution of any technical concerns.

  • Whether it's a critical error on your site, a downed network, or an extensions problem, we offer urgent help and priority support for you and your Magento store.

  • One of the biggest failures in a mobile app is when it frequently crashes or becomes unstable. Users expect apps to run smoothly without frequent interruptions. MGC help identify the root causes of crashes, debug issues, and optimise the app's performance to prevent such failures.

  • Slow-loading screens, laggy animations, or unresponsive user interfaces can frustrate users and lead to app abandonment. MGC can analyse the app's performance, identify bottlenecks, optimises code, and improve network requests to enhance responsiveness.

  • Security vulnerabilities Mobile apps often handle sensitive user data, and security breaches or vulnerabilities can have severe consequences. MGC can conduct regular security audits, implement encryption, secure data storage, and patch any identified vulnerabilities to protect user data and maintain the app's integrity.

  • Mobile devices come in various sizes, operating systems, and hardware configurations. Ensuring your app works flawlessly across different devices and OS versions is crucial. MGC can test compatibility, address device-specific issues, and provide a consistent user experience.

  • Apps that lack regular updates or fail to introduce new features can become stale and uninteresting to users. MGC can work closely with the app's stakeholders to plan and implement updates, add new functionalities, and introduce enhancements to keep the app relevant and engaging.

  • Mobile apps often rely on external services, APIs, or third-party libraries. Integration issues can arise due to changes in those dependencies or updates to underlying platforms. MGC can ensure smooth integration by monitoring and adapting to changes, updating APIs, and resolving compatibility issues.

  • When an app encounters errors, it's essential to provide clear error messages and guidance to users. Poor error handling can frustrate users and result in a negative experience. MGC can improve error handling, provide meaningful error messages, and implement mechanisms for users to give feedback on issues they encounter.

  • Mobile apps that consume excessive battery power can lead to frustration among users. YMGC can optimise resource usage, minimise background activity, and implement power-saving techniques to reduce battery drain and improve overall battery efficiency.

  • Mobile apps heavily rely on network connectivity to fetch data or communicate with servers. Issues like slow loading times, frequent network errors, or inconsistent offline behavior can hinder the app's functionality. MGC can diagnose network-related problems, optimise network requests, handle poor or intermittent connections gracefully, and improve offline capabilities.

  • Push notifications are an essential enPush notifications are an essential engagement tool for mobile apps. If notifications fail to be delivered, arrive late, or display incorrect information, it can impact user engagement and communication. MGC can ensure the proper implementation and functioning of push notifications, including handling delivery failures, managing opt-in/opt-out preferences, and resolving any issues related to their presentation or content.y issues related to their presentation or content.

  • If an app relies on synchronisation between multiple devices or platforms, data inconsistencies or synchronisation failures can occur. MGC can address issues related to data synchronisation, resolve conflicts, and ensure accurate and reliable data exchange between different endpoints.

  • App maintenance involves tracking and analysing user behavior, app usage patterns, and performance metrics. Without proper analytics and monitoring tools in place, it becomes challenging to identify and address issues effectively. MGC can implement analytics frameworks, set up monitoring systems, and leverage data insights to proactively detect and resolve problems, as well as make informed decisions for app improvements.

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Flutter Maintenance and Support.

Our Professional package offers unlimited support to help you maintain, fix, and enhance your existing Flutter Mobile App.

From Ā£480/month + vat

Onboarding Cost: One-Time Payment of Ā£320 + vatĀ  to
Get You Started!

Services Included

  • We are a support and maintenance company offering unlimited support and bug fixes. Simply get in contact with us, report your problem, and let our experienced developers resolve it efficiently and effectively.

  • Experience the assurance of a 3-hour response time for your Magento eCommerce website, ensuring quick and efficient resolution of any technical concerns.

  • Whether it's a critical error on your site, a downed network, or an extensions problem, we offer urgent help and priority support for you and your Magento store.

  • One of the biggest failures in a mobile app is when it frequently crashes or becomes unstable. Users expect apps to run smoothly without frequent interruptions. MGC help identify the root causes of crashes, debug issues, and optimise the app's performance to prevent such failures.

  • Slow-loading screens, laggy animations, or unresponsive user interfaces can frustrate users and lead to app abandonment. MGC can analyse the app's performance, identify bottlenecks, optimises code, and improve network requests to enhance responsiveness.

  • Security vulnerabilities Mobile apps often handle sensitive user data, and security breaches or vulnerabilities can have severe consequences. MGC can conduct regular security audits, implement encryption, secure data storage, and patch any identified vulnerabilities to protect user data and maintain the app's integrity.

  • Mobile devices come in various sizes, operating systems, and hardware configurations. Ensuring your app works flawlessly across different devices and OS versions is crucial. MGC can test compatibility, address device-specific issues, and provide a consistent user experience.

  • Apps that lack regular updates or fail to introduce new features can become stale and uninteresting to users. MGC can work closely with the app's stakeholders to plan and implement updates, add new functionalities, and introduce enhancements to keep the app relevant and engaging.

  • Mobile apps often rely on external services, APIs, or third-party libraries. Integration issues can arise due to changes in those dependencies or updates to underlying platforms. MGC can ensure smooth integration by monitoring and adapting to changes, updating APIs, and resolving compatibility issues.

  • When an app encounters errors, it's essential to provide clear error messages and guidance to users. Poor error handling can frustrate users and result in a negative experience. MGC can improve error handling, provide meaningful error messages, and implement mechanisms for users to give feedback on issues they encounter.

  • Mobile apps that consume excessive battery power can lead to frustration among users. YMGC can optimise resource usage, minimise background activity, and implement power-saving techniques to reduce battery drain and improve overall battery efficiency.

  • Mobile apps heavily rely on network connectivity to fetch data or communicate with servers. Issues like slow loading times, frequent network errors, or inconsistent offline behavior can hinder the app's functionality. MGC can diagnose network-related problems, optimise network requests, handle poor or intermittent connections gracefully, and improve offline capabilities.

  • Push notifications are an essential enPush notifications are an essential engagement tool for mobile apps. If notifications fail to be delivered, arrive late, or display incorrect information, it can impact user engagement and communication. MGC can ensure the proper implementation and functioning of push notifications, including handling delivery failures, managing opt-in/opt-out preferences, and resolving any issues related to their presentation or content.y issues related to their presentation or content.

  • If an app relies on synchronisation between multiple devices or platforms, data inconsistencies or synchronisation failures can occur. MGC can address issues related to data synchronisation, resolve conflicts, and ensure accurate and reliable data exchange between different endpoints.

  • App maintenance involves tracking and analysing user behavior, app usage patterns, and performance metrics. Without proper analytics and monitoring tools in place, it becomes challenging to identify and address issues effectively. MGC can implement analytics frameworks, set up monitoring systems, and leverage data insights to proactively detect and resolve problems, as well as make informed decisions for app improvements.

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Enterprise Plans

If you require new development, additional hours in support and maintenance or have some radical ideas to run past us, feel free to let us know.

The perfect partner if your code ever goes wrong.

Receive fast and unlimited assistance with a guaranteed response time of 3 hours for any necessary fixes or support you require.

Get a FREE Tech Review

We prioritise fixing and supporting your current build instead of pushing for a new one.
Itā€™s a no-brainer.

Our monthly fixed-price package offers unlimited bug fixes, support, and maintenance. We don't track time. We provide you with the assistance you require.

Our goal is simplicity, which is why we offer affordable monthly packages that provide unlimited support and maintenance for your current online platform, including bug-fixing.

Impressive Response Rate: Resolving Client Issues with Efficiency.

We take pride in our exceptional response rate when it comes to resolving client issues with efficiency.
Here is one of our latest client problems resolved:

The client reported a problem with their mobile app notifications.

Our support team response.

Response Time
21 minutes

Issue Resolved

Response to client

Total time from the problem being reported to being resolved.
5 Hours, 19 minutes

Get quick, unlimited support today with a guaranteed 3-hour response for any fixes you need.

At MGC, we provide fast and reliable technical support for mobile app maintenance and support. We understand the critical importance of timely assistance, especially considering that 80% of users will uninstall a mobile app if it fails to meet their expectations. That’s why we prioritise responsive support, maintenance, and development, ensuring that we address your mobile app needs promptly.

In contrast to many service providers that focus primarily on new app development, we prioritise quickly resolving issues with your existing mobile app. We recognise the significance of keeping your app running smoothly and are committed to delivering dependable and timely solutions to any technical challenges you may encounter. With our extensive experience in mobile app development and maintenance, we offer exceptional value through competitive rates and unmatched technical expertise.

Our team of experienced developers is always available to help you maintain and improve your existing mobile app, allowing you to concentrate on growing your business and keeping your users satisfied. Let us assist you in navigating the dynamic mobile app landscape and ensuring the reliability and success of your app.

70% of businesses reported delays in receiving responses from their digital agency, with an average delay time of 10 days. This can be frustrating for retailers who need immediate technical support to fix website issues and minimise the financial impact of website downtime.

"The knowledge that Chris and the guys at MGC have is second to none. I would have no hesitation in recommending Christopher and his team to any of my connections."

James Lees

Blend Agency

"Chris is that unique blend of a consummate professional and extremely approachable guy. It makes working with him a true pleasure as well as a successful experience. By ensuring heā€™s always got the best team around him at all times and that team is highly motivated he ensures the projects he is involved with are always completed to the highest standards possible. I have never had any hesitation in recommending Chris to potential clients and have never had anything but positive feedback from them in response to their experience of working with him."

Rosie Brent

Software Engineering Manager - Sky

"MGC has been supporting websites for me for around 10 years now. His knowledge of the market is second to none. More importantly, though - he fully understands how different clients can leverage all elements of the digital world through innovative marketing and optimisation.
Chris and MGC are perfectionist and always delivers projects to the brief and on time."

Jeff Matthews

Business Development Manager at Yugen

"In the world of online digital development, Chris and his team really know their stuff. Not only does he have many years of expertise, but they are also very upfront and honest in his business approach. It is refreshing these days to have someone consistently available to help you. Have a coffee with Chris if you want to be flooded with great ideas to excel your business online."

Kai Pitt-Richardson

360 Digital Marketing and Innovation Strategy Expert

"Chris and MGC help keep things simple and ensure that whatever work you have with him is tailored to your needs - he has the best interests of your business at the heart of everything he does. Your budget is always at the forefront of his planning, and you can be sure that nothing will ever be suggested or implemented that would cause unnecessary spending.

I strongly recommend Chris for any business, whether they are taking their first steps into the online world or looking to grow their digital presence further. You can move forward confidently with Chris at your side."

Iain Dalby

North East Regional Manager at Firebox Global Logistics Ltd

"There is no one better around than Chris and his team when it comes to his trade! His service and attention to detail are always fantastic and nothing is ever too much of a problem - whatever time of the day!Ā  I would always recommend Chris and his team to anybody who wants the best results and complete reliability - all the time and every time!"

Simon Wilson

Air Conditioning Engineer & Director at Knight Engineers Ltd

"I engaged MGC's support upon recommendation from WYCC. I now regard Chris as a good friend. He is dynamic, personable and an incredibly driven professional who gave 100% to my project. He has helped and supported me and my business since that time. I would confidently recommend Chris and his company to anyone requiring high-quality support services."

Ian Kitson

MD, Elegant Fireplaces

"Working with MGC on the Living Circle portal has been a great experience. He is been at hand every time I have needed some guidance to establish our store and I am looking forward to doing lots of business with him in the future."

Mark Careless

OnKefalonia Photography

What makes us sooo good at itā€¦


Our team of experienced developers possess over 20 years of high technical ability in Magento platform development, customisation, and troubleshooting, ensuring we can handle any technical challenges.


We respond promptly to client's requests and enquiries to minimise downtimes and ensure seamless operations. Our regular maintenance services, including software updates, security patches, and performance optimisation, ensure that the eCommerce platform operates optimally.

We earn your trust.

We understand that trust is critical to the success of any project, and we are committed to building that trust with you. With years of experience in the industry, we have gained a deep understanding of the severe consequences of technology failures and the importance of reliable support. You can trust us as a dependable partner to provide effective solutions that meet your unique business needs. We value strong relationships with our clients, and every interaction with our team is focused on leaving you confident and satisfied with our services. Let us help you achieve your digital goals and build a lasting partnership based on trust and expertise.


We focus on providing you with the best possible support for your platform. With years of experience and expertise, we have delivered exceptional results on hundreds of projects. Our reliable and efficient support ensures that your expectations are met, and we strive to earn your trust as your go-to provider for support and maintenance services. A dedicated project manager tracks and manages all time, ensuring clear communication and transparency throughout the process.

How long does it take you to get your Mobile App fixed when needed?

When you need your Mobile App fixed, we understand the urgency and importance of a swift resolution. Our service is designed to respond within 3 hours, ensuring that your issue is promptly addressed. When you reach out to us, a dedicated developer will be allocated to your case, ready to dive into the problem and work towards a solution. We prioritise quick response times to minimise disruptions and ensure your Mobile App runs smoothly as soon as possible. Our commitment is to provide a fast and efficient service, delivering the support you need when you need it.


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    Over two decades in supporting
    tech development, trust in us.

    As a trusted digital development agency since 2005, MGC has been at the forefront of delivering highly technical solutions to clients worldwide. We have successfully maintained and supported hundreds of innovative projects, from eCommerce platforms to mobile apps, websites, and software across the globe.

    Recognising the importance of swift support, we focus on becoming a leading support and maintenance company, providing rapid technical responses to businesses facing code-related challenges. .

    When you choose MGC, you can trust our extensive experience spanning two decades. With a stellar reputation and a 4.9 out of 5 ratings based on client reviews, we are highly recommended as the go-to technical development company. Our proven track record and client testimonials testify to our expertise and commitment to delivering exceptional results.

    Partnering with MGC means gaining access to a team of dedicated professionals who understand the intricacies of digital development.

    Supporting you when you really need it.

    As part of our commitment to providing the best service and support, we are pleased to offer a free review of your Magento eCommerce, WordPress Website, or Mobile Apps. This review will provide valuable insights and recommendations on improving your website or app's performance, security, and functionality. We will listen to your frustrations, expectations of service, and business goals to ensure we understand your unique needs and challenges.

    We will cover various topics during the review, including design, functionality, security, performance, and more. Additionally, we will assess your version updates, plugin upgrades or installs, and hosting to identify any potential issues or areas for improvement. Estimated 20 minutes, with no hard sell.

    Overview of our discussion

    1. Technical Issues
    2. Security Concerns
    3. Outdated Design
    4. Limited Features
    5. Compatibility issues
    6. Version updates
    7. Plugin upgrades or installs
    8. Hosting

    The process to get you the support you need.

    In digital downtime, businesses rely on their digital agency for immediate support. However, delays in receiving quick responses can be frustrating. We offer fast and reliable support for e-commerce, websites, and mobile apps to minimise downtime and keep your business running smoothly.

    Take a glance at our support plans.
    Let's talk about your requirements and the problems you are facing.
    We start the onboarding process.
    Receive an invitation to our project management system.
    Gain rapid access for support.
    Ongoing Maintenance Support.

    The process to get you the support you need.

    In digital downtime, businesses rely on their digital agency for immediate support. However, delays in receiving quick responses can be frustrating. We offer fast and reliable support for e-commerce, websites, and mobile apps to minimise downtime and keep your business running smoothly.


    Take a glance at our support plans.

    Contact, great choice

    Let's talk about your requirements and the problems you are facing.


    We start the onboarding process.


    Receive an invitation to our project management system.


    Gain rapid access for support.

    We will set you up

    Ongoing Maintenance Support.

    Your supported

    Ensuring a Smooth User Experience: The Importance of Regular Bug Fixes for Your Mobile App

    Bug fixes are an essential part of maintaining a mobile app. Over time, users may encounter issues or errors affecting the app's performance, functionality, and overall user experience. Various factors, such as coding errors, compatibility issues, or app environments these bug changes can cause.
    To address these issues, app developers need to identify the root cause of the problem and implement fixes through updates and patches. Bug fixes are crucial to ensuring that an app remains stable, reliable, and user-friendly, and they demonstrate a commitment to delivering a quality product to users.

    Stay Ahead of Cyber Threats: Why Regular Security Updates are Essential for Your Mobile App

    In today's digital age, cyber threats are an ever-present danger to mobile app users. As new vulnerabilities and attack methods are discovered, app developers must remain vigilant to keep their apps secure.
    This is why maintaining regular security updates is essential for any mobile app. By implementing the latest security measures, developers can protect user data, prevent unauthorised access, and safeguard against malware and other cyber threats. Failure to enforce security updates can leave apps vulnerable to attack, compromising user trust and damaging brand reputation. Therefore, ensuring your mobile app has regular security updates is crucial to keeping your app secure and your users safe.

    Keep Users Engaged: The Importance of Regular Feature Enhancements for Your Mobile App

    In today's competitive mobile app market, keeping users engaged and satisfied with your app is essential. One way to achieve this is by providing regular feature enhancements. Based on user feedback and market trends, app developers may need to add new features or enhance existing ones to keep users engaged and interested.
    Developers can maintain their apps fresh, exciting, and competitive by introducing new functionalities or improving existing ones. Regular feature enhancements help retain current users and attract new ones seeking innovative and practical features. In today's rapidly evolving mobile landscape, apps that fail to innovate and adapt risk falling behind the competition. Therefore, investing in regular feature enhancements is essential for any mobile app that wants to stay ahead of the game.

    Businesses risk downtime, lost revenue, and damaged customer relationships without reliable support and maintenance. Let us provide the crucial assistance you need to avoid these costly consequences.