IOS and Android
Maintenance and Support.

Experience tremendous value and unwavering support when things go wrong with your Mobile App.

Get quick support today with a guaranteed 3-hour responce for any fixes you need.

At MGC, we provide fast and reliable technical support for mobile app maintenance and support. We understand the critical importance of timely assistance, especially considering that 80% of users will uninstall a mobile app if it fails to meet their expectations. That’s why we prioritise responsive support, maintenance, and development, ensuring that we address your mobile app needs promptly.

In contrast to many service providers that focus primarily on new app development, we prioritise quickly resolving issues with your existing mobile app. We recognise the significance of keeping your app running smoothly and are committed to delivering dependable and timely solutions to any technical challenges you may encounter. With our extensive experience in mobile app development and maintenance, we offer exceptional value through competitive rates and unmatched technical expertise.

Our team of experienced developers is always available to help you maintain and improve your existing mobile app, allowing you to concentrate on growing your business and keeping your users satisfied. Let us assist you in navigating the dynamic mobile app landscape and ensuring the reliability and success of your app.

Our plans for supporting multiple platforms aim to swiftly resolve, improve, and sustain your Magento eCommerce.

IOS and Android Maintenance and Support.

Our Professional package offers unlimited support and
10 hours
of monthly development support to help you maintain, fix, and enhance your existing IOS and Android Mobile App.

£480/month + vat

Onboarding Cost: One-Time Payment of £320 + vat  to
Get You Started!

Services Included

  • We are a support and maintenance company offering unlimited support and bug fixes. Simply get in contact with us, report your problem, and let our experienced developers resolve it efficiently and effectively.

  • Experience the assurance of a 3-hour response time for your Magento eCommerce website, ensuring quick and efficient resolution of any technical concerns.

  • Whether it's a critical error on your site, a downed network, or an extensions problem, we offer urgent help and priority support for you and your Magento store.

  • One of the biggest failures in a mobile app is when it frequently crashes or becomes unstable. Users expect apps to run smoothly without frequent interruptions. MGC help identify the root causes of crashes, debug issues, and optimise the app's performance to prevent such failures.

  • Slow-loading screens, laggy animations, or unresponsive user interfaces can frustrate users and lead to app abandonment. MGC can analyse the app's performance, identify bottlenecks, optimises code, and improve network requests to enhance responsiveness.

  • Security vulnerabilities Mobile apps often handle sensitive user data, and security breaches or vulnerabilities can have severe consequences. MGC can conduct regular security audits, implement encryption, secure data storage, and patch any identified vulnerabilities to protect user data and maintain the app's integrity.

  • Mobile devices come in various sizes, operating systems, and hardware configurations. Ensuring your app works flawlessly across different devices and OS versions is crucial. MGC can test compatibility, address device-specific issues, and provide a consistent user experience.

  • Apps that lack regular updates or fail to introduce new features can become stale and uninteresting to users. MGC can work closely with the app's stakeholders to plan and implement updates, add new functionalities, and introduce enhancements to keep the app relevant and engaging.

  • Mobile apps often rely on external services, APIs, or third-party libraries. Integration issues can arise due to changes in those dependencies or updates to underlying platforms. MGC can ensure smooth integration by monitoring and adapting to changes, updating APIs, and resolving compatibility issues.

  • When an app encounters errors, it's essential to provide clear error messages and guidance to users. Poor error handling can frustrate users and result in a negative experience. MGC can improve error handling, provide meaningful error messages, and implement mechanisms for users to give feedback on issues they encounter.

  • Mobile apps that consume excessive battery power can lead to frustration among users. YMGC can optimise resource usage, minimise background activity, and implement power-saving techniques to reduce battery drain and improve overall battery efficiency.

  • Mobile apps heavily rely on network connectivity to fetch data or communicate with servers. Issues like slow loading times, frequent network errors, or inconsistent offline behavior can hinder the app's functionality. MGC can diagnose network-related problems, optimise network requests, handle poor or intermittent connections gracefully, and improve offline capabilities.

  • Push notifications are an essential enPush notifications are an essential engagement tool for mobile apps. If notifications fail to be delivered, arrive late, or display incorrect information, it can impact user engagement and communication. MGC can ensure the proper implementation and functioning of push notifications, including handling delivery failures, managing opt-in/opt-out preferences, and resolving any issues related to their presentation or content.y issues related to their presentation or content.

  • If an app relies on synchronisation between multiple devices or platforms, data inconsistencies or synchronisation failures can occur. MGC can address issues related to data synchronisation, resolve conflicts, and ensure accurate and reliable data exchange between different endpoints.

  • App maintenance involves tracking and analysing user behavior, app usage patterns, and performance metrics. Without proper analytics and monitoring tools in place, it becomes challenging to identify and address issues effectively. MGC can implement analytics frameworks, set up monitoring systems, and leverage data insights to proactively detect and resolve problems, as well as make informed decisions for app improvements.

A little bit of information we need from you.

    Great, you’re nearly there. Can you please provide us with your name?
    your company name? .
    Can you tell us if you have access to your Mobile App code and any CRM hosting? .
    To collect your monthly payments, we use GoCardless, which collects your monthly fee. Can you please provide us with an email address to send you a payment link and an invitation to our project management system Basecamp ,
    What is the best contact number for you? .
    And finally, can you give us an overview of the problems you face, which we will discuss in our start-up meeting .
    • Your 1st Month’s Payments
    • Onboarding Fee £320 + vat
    • Monthly Fee £480 + vat (One-Time Payment to Get You Started!)
    • Total: £800 + vat
    • 2nd Month’s Payments And Ongoing
    • Ongoing £480 + vat per month, cancel at any time.

    70% of UK retailers reported delays in receiving responses from their digital agency, with an average delay time of 10 days. This can be frustrating for retailers who need immediate technical support to fix website issues and minimise the financial impact of website downtime.